Cloud head.00_00_12_22.Still001.jpg

Adrift (Series)

Adrift, video, 1 minute loops, 2022

Phenomenology and magic both call on us to fly toward, and to hear the meaning in, the things that move us.

Sourced from public domain films from the Prelinger Archive, I cut and alter fleeting moments that stir my imagination and loop them indefinitely. They are displayed in groupings on raw TFT screens powered by Raspberry Pis. In removing them from their original container (the old film), new relationships form and latent meanings reveal themselves. They call for attention, ask for trust that they have new stories to tell. 

A play of light; a stooped, cloud-headed figure; a flock of birds endlessly dispersing and regrouping. Each moving image keeps its own rhythm, the composition syncing and syncopating in a dance that changes over time.